Post Treatment
I had a super time with my sisters and brother when they were here in September. We went to Seattle and visited with my new grandson...(oh, yeah, his parents, and aunt, too!) ;-) While there we rode the ducks and had quite the time touring the town and Lake Union. I got my own quacker from there, too!
We also had to see the flying fish at the market. At one point, I just got so tired that my sister Connie pointed out an empty milk crate on the corner, so I sat down on that. She immediately ran into the nearest coffee shop (Seattle does have a few) and set a cup down on the sidewalk next to me. She also put a dollar and a quarter in it. She suggested I play my duck (the quacker), so I was doing that when my daughter and other sister caught up with us. Sister Karen incredulously asked, "Somebody PAID you?" while my banker daughter just walked on ahead hoping nobody knew I was her mother. She was also concerned that I'd be arrested for not having a permit!
We returned via Leavenworth and enjoyed their Autumn Leaf Festival. Since we were right there, we attended Mass there. I really had to smile broadly when my brother grabbed my hand and sang The Lord's Prayer with such a booming baritone voice. RJ lives in a group home back home, and my husband just cracked up later when RJ insisted he could not wear the size 10-1/2 shoes we had bought him. He had to wear size 12-1/2. Oh, yes, he also could not get new socks unless they had the gold band across the toe, either! Rainman has nothing on him!
Since then, we've had a nephew and brother in law visiting us on the weekends.
I started work October 2. The first week about did me in! I AM getting stronger, but just not quite there, yet. I wasn't prepared for the emotional roller coaster, though. Since returning to work, I've had 3 girls ask me if I was pregnant. The last one was especially cruel by saying, "So tell me, are you pregnant or just plain fat?" I lost it, and she did apologize and felt such remorse, that I got a promise from her not to ever say something cruel like that to ANYBODY...EVER!
Fred was working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week for awhile there, but thankfully, that's over. (We hope.) We're enjoying the times we get with TJ, and looks like he's having a good time, himself. For a kid who is just 2 months old, he's already been to a Seahawks, Mariners, and Huskies game(s). He's even become a "chick magnet." There's a picture of him being held by a SeaGal! I'm looking forward to spoiling him some more during Thanksgiving.
We also had to see the flying fish at the market. At one point, I just got so tired that my sister Connie pointed out an empty milk crate on the corner, so I sat down on that. She immediately ran into the nearest coffee shop (Seattle does have a few) and set a cup down on the sidewalk next to me. She also put a dollar and a quarter in it. She suggested I play my duck (the quacker), so I was doing that when my daughter and other sister caught up with us. Sister Karen incredulously asked, "Somebody PAID you?" while my banker daughter just walked on ahead hoping nobody knew I was her mother. She was also concerned that I'd be arrested for not having a permit!
We returned via Leavenworth and enjoyed their Autumn Leaf Festival. Since we were right there, we attended Mass there. I really had to smile broadly when my brother grabbed my hand and sang The Lord's Prayer with such a booming baritone voice. RJ lives in a group home back home, and my husband just cracked up later when RJ insisted he could not wear the size 10-1/2 shoes we had bought him. He had to wear size 12-1/2. Oh, yes, he also could not get new socks unless they had the gold band across the toe, either! Rainman has nothing on him!
Since then, we've had a nephew and brother in law visiting us on the weekends.
I started work October 2. The first week about did me in! I AM getting stronger, but just not quite there, yet. I wasn't prepared for the emotional roller coaster, though. Since returning to work, I've had 3 girls ask me if I was pregnant. The last one was especially cruel by saying, "So tell me, are you pregnant or just plain fat?" I lost it, and she did apologize and felt such remorse, that I got a promise from her not to ever say something cruel like that to ANYBODY...EVER!
Fred was working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week for awhile there, but thankfully, that's over. (We hope.) We're enjoying the times we get with TJ, and looks like he's having a good time, himself. For a kid who is just 2 months old, he's already been to a Seahawks, Mariners, and Huskies game(s). He's even become a "chick magnet." There's a picture of him being held by a SeaGal! I'm looking forward to spoiling him some more during Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the update. I was wondering what was going on with you. But my goodness, I can hardly believe the insensitivity of those co-workers. I just can't imagine anyone being that rude, let alone three of them!
I hope you continue to gain strength every passing day!
Hi, John,
I guess I wasn't clear enough. Those "girls" were 7th and 8th grade girls in the middle school where I work. The really insensitive one was a bit upset with me at the time since she had been sent to me for lunch detention.
My co-workers, on the other hand, have been AWESOME!
Hope all is going well with you, too! M
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