Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Been Awhile

Wow! I've finished with #23, and tomorrow they will be readjusting where and how much I get for the last 7 or 10 rounds. They call that simulation. Actually they will have me in another room that has a setup like the one where I have the treatments. They'll take pictures, both regular and x-ray, (not sure about the CAT scan) then calibrate things, and then the radiologist will decide on the final prescription. It's all done on computer. (I went through that before I started my first radiation treatment.) At that point, I will be back in my "old" room for another round of zapping. I'd heard that they really turn up the power and concentrate on the ancillary nodes the last days. That's so they can't hear you complain about the pain that develops later.

I've got a red 14 x 6 inch horizontal rectangle that runs from mid chest around to my back and from below my "bra line" to where I'd have my hand during the pledge to the flag. I also have a separate bright red 2 inch heart at my collarbone. I slop that aloe vera gel on at least 3 to 4 times a day, yet the area is still extremely red. There's been only one itchy episode (yesterday) that was controlled by 1% hydrocortisone cream. Because most of my nerves were severed during my last surgery, the pain is very minimal. It just LOOKS bad.

The hospital had put in the beautiful one story oncology wing only a couple years ago, but now they are totally demolishing it to make way for a tower for doctors' offices and a new surgical center. There's only one problem--the radiation vaults will NOT be touched--they're far too expensive to be demolished and rebuilt elsewhere. So, the construction crews have been putting in a new hallway to accommodate us, and Friday the radiation department will be totally shut down for changing electrical wires, etc. That means I get a day off! Steve said it's probably good for me to have a 3-day weekend at this time to allow my body another day for healing before they blast it again. If I get an open sore anywhere there, I'd have to take a radiation recess. (And I thought CHEMO was bad!)

Aside from daily radiation treatments, I've also been seeing a physical therapist twice a week for lymphedema. I'll describe that process in another post. Frankly, this life revolving around appointments is getting old.

Fatigue has really set in. I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. Of course, it could be the reaction to this heat spell. Fred's been out haying in this over 100 degree weather. My car's A/C had lost its charge, so until last night when Myron fixed it, I'd been driving a "hot" car. It's been somewhat comfortable inside our house, though, with fans running, and the A/C set at 80 degrees. (My co-workers are going to be in shock when they read that!--I'm always turning the heat down to 65 during the school year.) Then we open the windows after the sun goes down and let the cool air in. However, Saturday, when the daytime temp was 105, it was still in the high 80's at midnight. Right now at 10:30 PM, it's 75 outside.

On a final note, we got the rental rented for another year!

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers, thoughts, and caring. I couldn't be doing this without all your help in that regard.


Blogger John Wagner said...

23 zaps already, wow! It will "soon" be over, I guess. I can just imagine 100 years from now folks looking back in amazement with what we had to do to try to push the cancer demon back into the box. "Yep, we used to put toxic chemicals into their blood and then cook the people from the inside out!" And little Johnny answers, "What is cancer?"

Hang in there, you are still on my prayer list, obviously. By the way, I did get your comments on my blog. I will have to ask my brother about the Colonel Sanders thing. I hadn't thought about it before, but, yep, in certain pictures and some ways. Maybe he needs to wear a white suit when he travels. Also, yes, I was one of the EBV folks. Also counted in Chaya's figures, but not in her familial link. She said I am number 5 in that regard.

Anyway, hang in there, try to stay cool, and take care of those radiation burns.

6:03 AM  

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